CALL US: (415) 485·1945 Monday - Thursday 6 AM - 8 PM · Friday 6 AM - 6 PM · Saturday 7 AM - 5 PM & Sunday 7 AM - 5 PM

Where Women Support Women
We offer a variety of membership options. Whether you are in town visiting for a short-time or want to become a long-term part of the Elan family, we have just the right plan for you.
NO long term contracts.

Choose your Membership Plan
Month to Month
Includes full use of the fitness center and all group fitness classes.
No fee to cancellation with 30-day notice via email.
Minimum 2 Month commitment.
One Year Membership
Includes full use of the fitness center and all group fitness classes.
Looking for more of a commitment? No fee to cancel after one year with 30 day notice via email.
Teen Membership 12-18yrs
Month to Month
Includes full use of the fitness center and all group fitness classes.
No fee to cancellation with 30-day notice via email.
Minimum 2 Month commitment.
Gym/Class Drop-in
For full use of the fitness center.
Group fitness class.
10 Class Card/Day Use
Expires 3 Months from purchase
For full use of the fitness center.
Group fitness class.
One Month Membership
Valid for one month from time of purchase.
Includes full use of the fitness center and all group fitness classes.
Paid in Full, nonrefundable.
3 Month Membership
Valid for three months from time of purchase.
​Includes full use of the fitness center and all group fitness classes.
Paid in Full, nonrefundable.

Membership includes:
Large Cardiovascular Center
Unlimited group fitness classes (over 30 classes weekly)
Fitness equipment designed exclusively for women
Bright, airy and temperature controlled exercise rooms
Shower with all the amenities
Dry Sauna
Spa Services:
Aesthetician Services, Skin Care and Cosmetics with Rebecca
Additional fee services provided for your convenience:
Personal Training
Fitness Boutique
Weight Loss Support Program
Other memberships available:
Short Term
Day use
Class Drop-In